Thursday, April 16, 2009

What's He or She Doing Now?

It seems that life has taken interesting twists and turns for most all of us. This post is going to serve as a header for a series of attached comments where each comment highlights a different classmate.

We don't mind being commercial here. If you've got a business you want to talk about, let us know. I've already purchased products from the business discussed in the first comment.

Attach a comment to this post or send an email by clicking on "View My Complete Profile" in the left sidebar. You can talk about anything you want. Tell something about what you're doing as long as it's legal and moral!

Or, tell us something about a classmate who's into something interesting.


  1. In emails over the past year or two, Richard Hamner has mentioned his soap business. At the luncheon in March, I finally had a chance to discuss what he's actually doing.

    His soap business, Green Mountain Soap Company, Inc. (, manufactures pure soap suitable for use by everyone, including those with sensitivity to additives in commercial soaps.

    Rather than have me do a poor job describing the business, I recommend that you visit the company web site and read about the company's history. You can learn all you want about soap, what it contains and how it's made. And you can order soap. My grandson is especially sensitive to certain chemicals so I bought some for him and me.

    Good luck, Richard!

  2. Mary Beth Wear CavertMay 20, 2009 at 9:13 AM

    I'll give a testimonial (unsolicited) for Green Mountain soap. I've used it exclusively and daily for years and love it. I've given it as gifts and my giftees now order by the box from Richard, as I do. I was using really expensive soap at one time and I like GM better. I also have the liquid soap with a "foamer" for hand washing and that is great, too. Y'all try it!


In the "Comment as:" selection list below, pick "Name/URL", then type your name (including maiden name if appropriate). If you don't wish to use your full name, type your first name and enough of your last name that classmates can identify you, e.g. 'Jim Str...'. Leave "URL" blank.