Thursday, October 23, 2008

Black Bears Way

Blog Administrator's Note: The event described below has obviously already occurred. However, it triggered many comments so it was placed here to serve as the start of a discussion thread.

Dear THS '62 Classmates:

The Tuscaloosa City Council has planned a ceremony for the renaming of the portion of 17th Street that runs between Hackberry Lane and 10th Avenue as Black Bears Way. (That's the part of the street that ran behind our Tuscaloosa High School, also home of the first local McDonald's.) Council members along with news and broadcast media will be present.

This event will take place on Monday, October 20, at 11:00 a.m. at the corner of the new Black Bears Way and 10th Avenue in the parking lot of St. John the Baptist church. I know many of you are out-of-town, but if you can, please join us for the ceremony and the unveiling of the new sign. Bring your own chair for seating.We look forward to seeing old friends there!

Class of '62 Local Reunion Committee


  1. To the local THS Reunion Committee:

    You folks do so much! Thank you for keeping us informed about what is happening in Tuscaloosa, and particularly on BLACK BEARS WAY.

    It occurred to me that today is the day that 17th Street will be renamed Black Bears Way. I would love to be there for the ceremony, but I will have to be there in spirit only. But I WILL be there in spirit, I promise you, so count me as being present!

    I remember that road, 17th Street. I don't remember knowing the street number, but I must have traveled it a thousand times. My old 1950 Ford seemed to want to turn left when we got to the intersection at Hackberry and 17th. Who didn't turn onto 17th Street a thousand times, whether from 10th Avenue or Hackberry? I have some memories about that road that is being renamed for our school and our mascot that I wanted to pass along to everyone. I would love to hear your own thoughts, too.

    Along that road, a lot of things happened other than normal traffic.
    Being a band member, we practiced our half-time shows along that road. There was a gigantic oak tree that provided shade when we were watching the drum major directing us to the next formation. And sometimes we would watch the *majorettes* instead of the drum major, and we would miss the next formation! Sorry Vince, but the majorettes were more attractive than you were.

    One day during band practice, we witnessed a motorcycle accident that happened on 17th Street. I will spare you the details, but I will tell you that the victim survived after his leg bone healed, and he graduated later on. It was a day that many of us remember that brought us up short about how fragile life can be.

    During the hot part of the season, many times after practice we would walk across 17th Street to Delview Dairy, and Sonny Hi...'s father would give us all orange juice and ice to cool us off. Thanks, Mr.
    H! You did us a great favor. The THS band will always remember Delview Dairy.

    The football team practiced just north of us band members, on the far side of the field. On a personal note, I remember meeting George Fl... for the first time after band practice one day. George was new in town, and he was being introduced around after practice was over. Of course, George never met a stranger, so he was friendly to everybody, but George was a Black Bear from then on, regardless of where he came from. My memory of him was that he was sitting on a Ford Falcon. Remember those?

    I learned some science on 17th Street. One day after band practice before I could drive, I was waiting for my mother to come pick me up. I was down by the big oak tree where we practiced. It was late in the day, and the sun was setting. I watched the shadows advance across the ground as the minutes went by and the sun set, and I realized for the first time how fast the earth turns. It is only fifteen degrees per hour, but the shadows late in the day seemed to be move faster than my young mind could comprehend. That was a long time ago, but I will always remember that.

    I have a picture of the parking lot just behind the school building, at the corner of 17th Street and 10th Avenue, taken when I was a junior. It was taken when school was in full session and everyone was at school, so the parking lot was full of vintage cars. If I could bring that picture back to life in 2008 and sell all of those cars, I would be wealthy! Looking at all of the 1957 Chevy's and the 1960 Pontiac Bonneville's (and my 1950 Ford!), well it just brings tears to my eyes. Some of you ladies may not get so misty-eyed over an automobile, but guys loved their cars.

    The McDonald's that was built on 17th Street when we were there was one of the first McDonald's in the whole region. Not having much disposable income, I didn't patronize it all that often, but I remember it well.

    Since then, time has marched on 45 years, and the shadows that I watched long ago continue to advance. Today 17th Street will become Black Bears Way, and all of those memories will be honored. That will be a fitting tribute to the time we all spent together. Go Black Bears!

    Somebody take a picture of the new road sign and post it on the website!

    Love to all!


  2. Talk about a man with a memory!! I vote for Richard for historian. I don't remember half of what he does, but agree we had a great life growing up. I also want to thank the Tuscaloosa group for keeping us informed and wish I could be there as well.

    Richard, you may think girls don't think cars were important, but I did. My
    '52 Ford held many fond memories too...and of course, the boy's car might get our attention--right girls!

    Great letter and great event. Hope to see you all soon.

  3. Richard...... I enjoy your "ramblings" as they bring back lots of memories.
    I plan to be in Tuscaloosa this weekend to watch the Tide with my daughter and granddaughters. Will check out the new signage.

    Bobby Porter (In Mississippi of all places)

  4. I went to the event and can report that I saw at least two other
    62 classmates, Lulu and Vonelle. I mistook Joe B. for Clyde B., so Clyde was almost there. There was a nice crowd and the parking, the program, etc., were all handled really well. I was impressed that the City could put on such an event - get us in to park, start on time and get us out without a lot of hassle. Letitia R. and Coach Tom T. were also there. If you live here, watch the local Tuscaloosa television news tonight - the cameras were there.
    I have to admit that Richard's memory gives me envy. I was in the band practicing on that same field at the same time and I never even knew about the juice at Delview (at least I remember that I didn't know about it). I can, however, still play Stars and Stripes Forever on the piccolo. I second Sara's nomination of Richard as historian. I took a picture of the new street sign with my cell phone, but, being technologically challenged, I can't get it out of the phone. Several others were taking pictures and I'll send one on if I can get one.
    We sang the Alma Mater and I remembered that, although 'Loosa didn't come out of the memory files as easily.
    Thanks, Richard, for the trip down memory lane.
    Mary Beth

  5. Sounds wonderful, wish I had been there.

  6. Richard, thanks for all your commentary. It is really great and amazing how much you remember. Thanks, too, to the reunion committee. I appreciate all the updates. Hope to see some pictures of the street sign and maybe get there in person myself. Great job!

  7. Hats off to you guys who made BB Way. a reality You know, "Black Bear Way" would be a good name for a web discussion group.

    Aside to Richard, the name of the person injured in the motorcycle accident was the "Rodan Kid."

    Love all y'all

  8. Great memory, Richard. I certainly remember band practices, Tommy H./Frank McA. and Delview Dairy ice. (Vague memory of majorettes.) Did the McDonalds even have an inside place to eat? I remember the cars, motor cycles and scooters. Bobby Porter had a Mustang. I had a hand-me-down 1956 all-metal-body Cushman. Jimmy Ha. a 1929/30 Model-A Ford, Red with Yella' wheels; Jackie S.' "Green Hornet" (a 19?? Hudson). Susan ( THS '63) and I will be in Tuscaloosa next week to visit her mother. I'll be sure to cruise down Black Bear Way, again...Thanks for the memories!

  9. Richard thanks for the great note. One additional memory that comes to mind for me from those days was the wonderful smell / aroma that came from Hardin's Bakery, which as you will recall was just across the street.

  10. Wow, Richard, thanks for sending out your memories of THS!  I just spent some time looking at websites from other classes and also discovered that "our" school building was torn down a few years ago.  My last job before leaving Tuscaloosa was at Central West (the old Druid High).  I haven't been in Tuscaloosa since 1999 for my father's funeral and I hardly recognized it then--I am sure I would need a guide and a map if I went back today!
    BTW, I think Jim Stringer's idea is a great one--I would love it if we had a website of some kind with a blog or chat room or whatever. 
    Also, here is a link to the info about Sara Duren's aunt who wrote the lyrics to our alma mater: 
    I haven't been able to make it to the past reunions but here's hoping I am still around for the 50th!
    Hugs from Texas!

  11. I don't remember many stories and can't tell the ones I do.

  12. Do any of you remember our days in Gulf Shores where my parents cooked for a lot of people and all the spend the night parties at my house for 30 plus?

  13. I remember we were such a close class, and we all had a lot of fun together; we were all pretty good kids.

    I am enjoying so much reading all about the memories.

    I went to the 45th and had a ball; Glennice M. and Mahaska R. stayed with me; can't wait until our 50th.

    Some of us are routinly meeting for lunch at the Olive Garden thanks to Lynn R. who organized it all.  Thanks Lynn. 

  14. Eddie..... you want me to tell some of your stories?? I'm sure William, Scotty and I could tell a few "of you" for you. Whatcha think???

  15. Hello To All '62 Blackbears,

    The email correspondence is great!! I've never blogged but would love to learn. Just let me know the 123 "how to" directions.

    By the way John, Ray T.'s son, Judd, now owns our old house in the The Highlands. Judd grew up down the street from us and was a friend of my children throughout their young life. I sold it about 4 years ago and moved to a garden home. It was a great house and I loved raising my children and living there for 32 years.

    Hope to hear more from everyone.

  16. Everybody is talking about the band and songs........ lets here some football, Tierce's Cabin, Gulf Shores and motorcycle stuff
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)


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