Saturday, October 25, 2008

Eating Establishments

Blog Administrator's Note: During the discussion on the alma mater, this subject came up. so, I started a new post. The ad below is from the 1962 "Black Warrior".

I don't know who wrote the Alma Mater words, although I probably have it on music - I've never thrown any music away and have a huge file of now "vintage" music - but I don't have time to search for it to enter Sara's contest.

I have another memory though, that nobody has mentioned. The McDonald's on 17th Street must have been one of the first to be opened when the chain went national. I remember that they had a sign saying how many burgers they had served. I think it started in the tens of thousands, progressed to the hundreds of thousands and into the millions while we were at THS. Like Richard, I didn't eat there often, but I do remember the sign. It really gave us a glimpse into the power of franchising back then. Remember the Doghouse? Possibly a victim of the franchise mania -it went through several lives as a restaurant, but is now student apartments (maybe condos). Remember the first Hardee's with the 15-cent burgers? Or was that a Kelly's. On University Ave near where the Baptist Student building now stands.

Mary Beth


  1. The fast food place I remember most was on Hackberry Lane near 13th St. Wasn't it called "Burger King"? I remember that they kept cooked hamburger patties warm in some sort of liquid.

  2. I remember that I heard that they closed the Doghouse after it was discovered that they were washing out paper cups and reusing them. Guess the Health Dept. wasn't as on the ball as it is now.


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