Sunday, October 26, 2008

Let's Talk Sports

We've not had much talk about sports, so here's a starting point for discussion about any sport. I've kicked off the discussion by adding a comment to this post.

Jim Stringer
P.S. The best thing I like about the above program is that it listed my weight as 195!


  1. Attached to the post about Black Bears Way are several comments about band practice adjacent to the street. Some mentioned crossing over to Delview Dairy for juice after practice.

    When thinking about the fields adjacent to the street, the specific thing that comes to my thoughts first is taking trips around the backstop. During football practice, the coaches seemed to be fond of making us run to the backstop in the corner of the field, around it and back again, especially when we weren't performing as they thought we should. After several such trips in August, I would be dragging. I've never been a fast runner so I was always near the back. That was where I first noticed what a nice tush Wee Willie W. had! In the 1962 "Black Warrior", I listed the 100 Mile Club as one of my activities. I can't remember exactly what that was but I think it was related to those trips around the backstop.

    After two-a-day practices in August, we also visited Delview Dairy for orange drink with plenty of ice. That was wonderful.

  2. I,too, have fond memories of the orange drink and ice after practices. The smell from the bakery also stands out but that was just on easy days like Thursday. As I look back, I'm convinced that playing ball kept me off the streets and out of lots of trouble most of the year. I recommend any sport for our grandkids to teach them some lessons for later life. Still can't believe we actually played in Bryant-Denny !!!!

  3. I, too remember the Delview Dairy, orange drink and ice in two-a-days in August. Just wish I'd been able to stay and finish my HS football career with THS rather than L.A. Calif. But you guys got me ready for a successful HS football career out there!
    Rusty Hubbard


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