Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One Thing I Learned ...

What's one thing you learned while at THS that has helped you, stayed in your thoughts, been a shining beacon, or whatever, since you left high school?

For me, it's easy - Miss Joy Box's three-sentence paragraph exercises. I'm sure those who took 11th grade English from Miss Box remember these well. I don't claim to be a wonderful writer but whenever I do write, I remember what she taught us and it has helped.

Add your thoughts about a significant thing by attaching a comment to this post. This is not limited to academics. It might be a personal relationship (positive or negative), something extracurricular or even outside school altogether.

So, give it a shot.



  1. I thank my lucky stars for BOTH Joy Box and Anna Brown every time I have to grade a project from my own students. Without their through grounding in English, I wouldn't be able to help my students master their writing skills nearly as well.

  2. Does anyone remember the saying "NO RAIN A DESERT MAKES". Miss Anna Brown taught us that and I have remembered it all these years. Teachers, just know you have an impact on some forever. Any one know where that quote came from?
    I have used it in my teaching many times.
    sara duren

  3. I can't remember that phrase but I learned a phrase later that would have been interesting to her. When I was in computer science graduate school back in the Dark Ages of computers, we were looking at the use of computers for language translation purposes. The ambiguity of English is a real problem as exemplified by the sentence, "Time flies like an arrow." Each of the first three words could be the verb! Miss Brown would have loved it!


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